Your Monthly Tarot Card Reading By Zodiac Sign - January 2022

Your monthly January 2022 tarot card reading is here with a prediction for the next 31 days based on your zodiac sign!
Want to know what's in store for your sign for January 2022? It's all in the cards...
January 2022 Monthly One Card Tarot Reading:
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): The High Priestess
Intuition, Serenity, Divine Goddess
The High Priestess Upright Meaning
The High Priestess is a Major Arcana, or "trump" card, that represents human wisdom. The High Priestess can be viewed as a kind of female Pope (a Papess), or the ancient Egyptian Priestess of Isis, the even more ancient snake and bird goddesses, the Greek goddess Persephone, or Eve, before the fall.
For the accused heretics who were burnt at the stake for revering her in the 14th and 15th century, the Priestess symbolized the prophecy of the return of the Holy Spirit, which was perceived as the female aspect of the Holy Trinity.
In terms of the Major Arcana ordering of cards, The High Priestess appears in the sequence as soon as the Fool decides he wants to develop his innate powers, making a move toward becoming a Magician. The High Priestess is his first teacher, representing the inner life and the method for contacting it, as well as the contemplative study of nature and spiritual mystery.
The High Priestess Advice Position
The High Priestess advises you to adhere to your chosen spiritual practice on a more regular basis. If you want the benefits of evolution, you'll have to cooperate with spirit. We all have distractions, demands -- a whole life full of reasons why we cannot find the time to retreat into our inner sanctum.
Until you consider this as vital to your well-being as the need to eat and sleep, you are likely to be eternally restless and deeply dissatisfied. A spiritual routine that suits your temperament, practiced every day, is the most trustworthy path to freedom.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Two of Swords
Impasse, Stillness, Indecision
Two of Swords Upright Meaning
The Two in this suit usually represents conflicting ideas or visions. These must be reconciled by communication in order to arrive in a harmonious place or to complete strategic negotiations. Mixed signals prevail.
While they may be appearing to try to communicate, opposite sides are missing each other entirely, with possibly drastic consequences. In the best case, a frank discussion would clear the air and serve both sides, but one cannot expect that in every instance where this card appears.
Two of Swords Advice Position
The Two of Swords in this position advises that this may not be a good time to make a decision. Neither allow others to push you beyond your boundaries, nor permit yourself to act impulsively. You need to fully assimilate the situation before making any moves -- even if not having a solution as soon as you want causes tension.
Have patience. There are circumstances in which action is better than non-action. This, however, is not one of them. Remain silent as much as possible and allow things to settle. A little meditation can help you achieve greater objectivity. You do not have enough information, as all the evidence hasn't come in yet.
Pisces (February 19 - March 10): Three of Cups
Celebration, Squad Goals, Community
Three of Cups Upright Meaning
The Three of this suit is often entitled Consent, or simply Yes. This card resonates with a spirit of agreement, mutual support, encouragement and teamwork.
Often pictured as three women celebrating their connectedness in a dance with lifted cups, it could also be called "sisterhood," a real mutual admiration society. It points to all the benefits of harmonious relationship.
Three of Cups Advice Position
The Three of Cups in this position advises that you tune in with your family and fully inform them about what's going on with you. Let them add substance to your ideas with their talent and imagination. Think of this occasion as a celebration, where their support helps you find success in your work. There may be something here for everyone to contribute. Put yourself in the loving hands of your family connections and your trust will be well rewarded. The synergy between you could enhance each individual's talent and creativity. You will love the results!
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Five of Wands
Competition, Diversity, Rivalry
Five of Wands Upright Meaning
This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.
The Five of this suit symbolizes struggles caused by ambitious maneuvering and a competitive urge. This could be about someone who is pushing his or her agenda forward at the expense of others.
There can be a fine line between demonstrating personal excellence and making others feel like losers. It may be necessary to ask yourself, who is it that really benefits when we all fight so hard for such small rewards? Am I serving a negative, manipulative agenda when I start applying battle metaphors to business?
Even when your only motive is to be the best you can be, it is understandable to want recognition for what is fine and unique about you. However, minimize the number of egos bruised in the process or your success will be celebrated alone.
Five of Wands Advice Position
The Five of Wands in this position encourages you to find your natural ambition. Identify what energizes you, what you would fight for and what you are passionate about -- even when you're tired or discouraged. Strive to make that the centerpiece of your mission.
This is how you find your livelihood and establish your path of service.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Nine of Cups - Reversed
Overindulgences, Impatience, Unrealistic Expectations
Nine of Cups Reversed Meaning
The Nine of Cups reversed suggests that you are getting what you thought you wanted, but it's not what you really want at all. The defect may not be in the thing itself, but in the surprise of discovering that your dream come true doesn't make you feel like you expected it would.
This is an essential lesson in life. When you set a goal, specify how you want it to feel in your life, not just what you want to be, do or have. You will get much more fulfillment from your manifestations if you go about it in this way.
Nine of Cups Advice Position
The Nine of Cups in this position advises that you open yourself to circumstances around you. There may be no need to manage a situation that does not require a lot of control or leadership. The tone of the moment is heartfelt and bonded. It is nurturing. Open up and choose to be receptive. Proceed from your heart, relying on your intuition. This is your truest source of information right now.
Allow yourself to be attracted to what feels supportive. Avoid what feels harsh, critical and judgmental. If this requires that you change your style, so be it. The results of being intuitive are generally far superior to the results of being emotionally guarded and overly rational.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): King of Wands
Natural Leader, Visionary, Entrepreneur
King of Wands Upright Meaning
This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.
Traditionally representing the energy of a dynamic King, this card represents the classic conquering hero. He's a charismatic leader, entrepreneurial and ambitious, always creating new adventures. He does this because he doesn't like to stay home or to have to "mind the store" -- he gets to feeling restless and bored with the predictable. If you need a crusader, or someone to take on a big challenge, he's your man. He needs a big assignment, and would rather lead than follow.
It could be said that he has a bit of an ego, as evidenced in his enjoyment of flattery and praise. A bit of a performer, he overachieves in situations where it will be noticed, but in private he wants to be served and adored like the head lion of a pride. A benevolent dictator, he makes life wonderful for those he loves and just the opposite for those who displease him.
King of Wands Advice Position
The King of Wands in this position reminds us that our lives are designed to bring us eventually to a place of self-ownership. An opportunity for self-empowerment is presenting itself to you now. Recognize that through your attitude and the way you express yourself to others, you hold the power over your own experiences in life.
You are the determining factor in this situation and circumstances will proceed in the direction that you steer them. Indecision or doubt are not appropriate responses when clarity and confidence are critical. As you take on a bigger role, it will begin to feel more comfortable.
Seize the opportunity to influence events, because everything is waiting for you.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Six of Coins, Reversed
Challenge, Power Struggle, Competition
Six of Coins Reversed Meaning
The Six of Coins reversed suggests that the idea of payback may have become too important to you. The reversal of this card points to someone who is too focused on the idea of getting something back.
You may have postured yourself to look generous, supportive, understanding, but in the fine print you have created so many binding conditions that there is no way anybody can take you up on the offer. Nobody is fooled by such conditional giving.
Six of Coins Advice Position
The Six of Coins in this position asks you to think of yourself as a cosmic talent agent, seeking individuals who show a spark or gift. You may help them refine and upgrade their skills to fit a larger context. The outcome is a peer relationship with a sense of mutual regard and admiration.
This is a delicate operation. You have to constantly check your intentions so that you are not expecting something in return. Do not for a minute feel proud about doing someone a favor. In truth what you are doing is paying back an old debt to those who served as your mentors.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): King of Swords, Reversed
Mentally Abusive, Power Hungry, Manipulative
King of Swords Reversed Meaning
When the King of Swords is reversed, pangs of conscience no longer prick as keenly. It may be that morality and integrity have been compromised.
Your inner Wise One must be awakened from that state of blinded self interest and get back to serving the greater good. Hold yourself to a higher standard. Think about what you can contribute, not what you are going to get. Filter the static from your thinking. Relinquish self-absorption and turn your attention to protecting the greater good.
King of Swords Advice Position
In this position, the King of Swords advises that you research your situation and in the process question existing authorities. It may be time to examine underlying assumptions and bring greater clarity into areas that have been left in the dark. Don't wait for others to do it. Instead, draw your own conclusions.
Spend time reviewing all the ramifications because this King of Swords requires a thorough, methodical examination of ideas and possibilities. Call forth the sober and wise part of yourself -- the elder father figure. Then act on the instructions given you.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Nine of Wands
Wisdom, Perseverance, Last Stretch
Nine of Wands Upright Meaning
This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.
The Nine of this suit usually indicates a need for rest; some time out to mend wounds and savor victories. Although it may be hard to do, this card would have you leave the field to fresher teammates for now. Release any attachment you may feel to being in a leadership role for now.
In the pictured Tarot decks, the protagonist is shown as too exhausted to be effective in defending his gains, yet resisting the suggestion to ask for help or step down. He or she hasn't had the chance to totally heal from past blows, and is still up there taking another beating. This is the fix that comes from making oneself irreplaceable. Fight off the maniacal thought that only you can save the day! Stop rejecting loved ones who want to help you.
Nine of Wands Advice Position
When the Nine of Wands is in this position, you have done everything you can to bring a situation to a successful conclusion. The full range of possibilities has been exhausted and all the creative energy that is available has already been put to use. This may be a great time to lay down your concerns and enjoy a rest. There is nothing more to bring to the mission unless you regenerate and restore the energy you have put into the cause.
While it is praiseworthy to give all you have for something or someone that means a lot to you, masochism and martyrdom are ill advised. Take a break. No one can fault you for it now.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Princess of Cups
Flow, Synchronicity, Mystic Messages
Page of Cups Upright Meaning
This card is traditionally entitled the Page, but in some modern decks appears as a Princess. In this suit this card represents a poetic, mystical, emotionally open young person, still tender and idealistic, given to flights of imaginative fantasy.
This energy is exquisitely refined and fine-tuned. It may be that a sense of being grounded in reality has not yet entirely set in, such that he or she is easily tossed about by external forces and events. This person must work to achieve a stronger will and a more calculating mind, to balance and protect all that wonderful sensitivity.
Page of Cups Advice Position
The Page of Cups (in some decks, a Princess) in this position advises you to study the best ways to be of service. Strive to discern what would give more pleasure, comfort and emotional security. Then, provide it. Understand that what is happening has little or nothing to do with you personally. The best you can do is to offer support and listen closely.
Make sure you understand what is needed and serve the situation with loyalty. Look at individuals around you as the embodiment of the Divine, and try to fulfill each one's needs. Be unconcerned with the outcome. Later you will understand why you needed to be in this position.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Ten of Cups
Wholeness, Connection, Full Circle
Ten of Cups Upright Meaning
The Ten of this suit traditionally signifies family and community, often showing a celebratory scene including many generations, crowned by a rainbow signifying the end of hard times.
See this vision -- love and support extending in all directions -- a huge emotional safety net for everyone.
Ten of Cups Advice Position
With the Ten of Cups in this position, prioritize teamwork over your personal goals. Everyone needs to feel they made a contribution. The crew needs to feel they are all in this together, and everyone needs to be rewarded when the ship comes in.
It's essential to follow a teamwork approach in order to maximize the benefits for yourself. The good will that will emerge from such an approach will last long after the project is over. You will be generously rewarded later if you take a selfless approach at this time.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21):Justice
Law, Objective, Fair
Justice Upright Meaning
The Justice Tarot card has to do with moral sensitivity and that which gives rise to empathy, compassion, and a sense of fairness. Since the time of Solomon, this image has represented a standard for the humane and fair-minded treatment of other beings.
Often including the image of a fulcrum or scale which helps to balance competing needs against the greater good, and a two-edged sword to symbolize the precision needed to make clear judgments, this card reminds us to be careful to attend to important details. It's a mistake to overlook or minimize anything where this card is concerned. The law of karma is represented here -- what goes around comes around.
Justice Advice Position
The Justice card advises you to listen carefully as others explain to you their version of events and the parts they played. It is unnecessary to offer feedback. Your role is to observe, listen closely, give a full hearing and keep your wits about you as the story takes shape.
As you witness people's account of themselves, your understanding will go beyond the words you hear. Subtle inferences and clues will reveal the truths that will enable you to make a wise and accurate assessment.