Can These Words Change Your Life?

Can These Words Change Your Day?
By Nicole Snow
So there you are, waking up, reluctantly rolling out of bed, and cursing to the world for allowing yet another Monday to rudely interrupt your needed sleep.
Maybe it’s a project you have to present to the hierarchy at your work, or perhaps it’s the metaphorical chain refusing to loosen it’s seemingly demonic grip, whichever the case, today is hard and meeting the day with positivity and grace seems far past your abilities.
What do you do? You’re up and you haven’t much of a choice to put one foot in front of the other, well not if you enjoy surviving and having an occasional dinner or two.
You know how to mask the disdain you inevitably feel inside, but do you know ( or have you ever tried) to change it completely?
First of all, is it even possible?
Meet affirmations. If you aren’t familiar with word or the exercise, affirmations is a powerful practice of reprogramming your mind by stating a certain concept over and over again until your mind absorbs and believes the stated concept.
So how do affirmations work?
Does simply saying the words produce the ounce of confidence you desperately need? Can I “think” myself into loving and accepting myself?
With continual practice, the answer is YES.
According to Psychology Today, affirmations work because they “ have the ability to program your mind into believing the stated concept.”
While it sounds silly, the fact of the matter is that your mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s reality and what’s fantasy. We, as human beings, have the power to program the beliefs we want to believe in, into our minds.
I mean, why not?
As infants, we are victim to whatever the world and society wishes to implant into our sponge-like minds, why wouldn’t we be able to as adults correct the beliefs and create our own?
In theory it sounds quite pleasant, freeing, even empowering, and while all of it is true and the potential is there, correcting years of beliefs so deeply ingrained does take time.
Listed below are a few of our personal favorite affirmations. They have helped turn bad days into good ones. They’ve reminded us of our abilities and they have allowed us to find our voice when the stress was deafening.
Getting Started
If you’re already a believer in the power of affirmations, give the following a try. If there are additional affirmations you think should be on the list or have personally improved your life, we want to hear all about it.
If you’re new to the practice, let us know how these affirmations work for you.
How to use the following affirmations:
Say the following three times, every morning with feeling and intent. It is also said that the effects can be much greater if you write them, physically as well.
🗣️I have the power to control my thoughts and emotions
This affirmation is particularly good if you feel victim to your sh*tty day. If negative thoughts are plaguing you and any attempt to have a better perspective, make sure this one is on your list. Acknowledging that you have control, can change your life in the long run and change your mood in real time.
🗣️I am stronger than this emotion
Our emotions are strong and sometimes it seems nearly impossible to sweep them all up and place them back into the pockets they belong. By reassuring yourself of your mental strength and mere willpower, you’re able to collect yourself and control your emotions.
🗣️I believe in myself and my abilities
Sometimes we forget that our number one fans should be ourselves. By supporting (yourself) and being your own cheerleader, the possibilities of what you can achieve will grow enormously.
🗣️I can solve problems and find solutions
When a challenge arises, it’s very easy to accept it as it is. The universe has given us this problem and I fall victim to it. That mentality was never designed for human beings and the universe would never give us a problem for us to merely absorb and fall prey to. By repeating that you can solve the problem and that you do find solutions, your mind takes note and gets to work doing just that.
🗣️I am strong and I am capable
In today's world- when everything is so heavy and problems are beyond massive, it's easy to forget that we have the capability to handle them. We forget how strong we are.
A few other affirmations that may help you are the following:
- Today is going to be a good day
- I am enough
- I am brave & bold
Try it.
We believe, here at Enova that you are designed for greatness. We created products that not only travel with you while you slay your goals and conquer the world but save you time- giving you more opportunities to take care of -you.