5 Beauty Rules We Should Probably Stop Ignoring
1. )Remember when they told us that mascara was only good for 3 months? And remember how we all rolled our eyes and said "kiss my ass- I just paid $25 for this." Despite our (quite normal) reaction to the rule defined by the makeup gods, it has quite a bit of logic to it. Apparently bacteria gets into your mascara increasing your risk for an eye infection. Now, does that change the fact that I hoard mascara for at least a year? Absolutely not- but the information is helpful should you not enjoy eye infections.
MOISTURIZERS AND PRIMERS ARE DIFFERENT2.) I fail at this one constantly. Did you know that moisturizers and primers are two completely different items and that they do not (despite them feeling very similar) do the same job? Yea, I knew too, but due to exceptional laziness, I’ve occasionally substituted my moisturizer for primer. Truth be told, I believed for the longest time that the more “nourished” and hydrated your skin was, the longer your makeup would last. Eh, that may be true but moisturizer still doesn’t replace your primer, unfortunately. The moisturizer is designed to go deep down inside of your skin ( thus the nourishing effect) while the primer’s main objective is to sit atop your skin.
OPT FOR CONTOURING POWDER INSTEAD OF CONCEALER3.) With the age of the contour still lingering amongst us, a lighter shade concealer embraces all of our cute, patterned, makeup bags awaiting its opportunity to slim and brighten us in all the right places. It could also, however, make us look a little blue and ashy in some areas. It’s true. Although it’s currently in fad (having a lighter shade concealer or foundation) heed the warnings and consider the contouring powder as an alternative.
ALL NATURAL DOESN'T ALWAYS MEAN GOOD4.) It’s all natural- that means it’s amazing and healthy and doesn’t harm us in any shape or form. That’s pretty much the gist of it, right? Wrong. We are all suckers (even if you don’t want to admit it) when it comes to the “organic” or “all natural” marketing pitch that more and more companies are trying to gag us with. We fall for it every...single... time. What we fail to realize, however, is that our skin can still have a negative reaction to natural ingredients. Skin is just as unique as the person wearing it. Chances are high that if you have genuinely sensitive skin, ingredients- despite their purity- can still cause you to break out or create mild to severe irritation.
SLEEPING IN MAKEUP5.) Stop falling asleep with your makeup on. I mean, we’ve all been there. I pretty much lived all of my college years with the same coat of make-up on. Disgusting right? At that age, and in the midst of “figuring out what you’re made of” by feeding yourself shots of tequila, you could get away with it. Now, not so much. Sleeping with your makeup on can cause acne, clogged pores, and yes.. the dreaded w word- wrinkles.
So maybe your routine will begin to be different. Perhaps you'll heed our advice and ultimately change your "beauty" life. Or, if you're anything like the rebellious us, you'll skim it over, note it in your head, and continue your ways. Either or... we tried, right?