Aging Hands? 4 Hand Masks You Can Make at Home

True story- one of the hardest things about starting a gel manicure company is accepting your hands.
Yep, I said that.
Over the course of these past two years we have seen our own hands in every kind of light and crazy unflattering angle. I personally never would have thought that I’d be self conscious about my finger shapes or the small sun spots that continue to surprise me, but here I am. It’s something, honestly, I’d be willing to drink over. I haven’t yet… but there’s still time to swirl into a deep dark hole.
Hands… need…. love… too, and we’ve learned this more than anything these past couple of years. While we’re currently in the process of finding a product that can rejuvenate, hydrate, and refresh your flesh sticks in their entirety, we’ve compiled a list of a few at home hand masks you can make for the time being.
Avocado Hand Mask
Created by A Life Adjacent, this whipped and fluffy mask helps “seal and repair skin damaged by excessive hand washing or hand sanitizer usage.” To be honest, after Covid life, I literally crave this right now.
For full directions on how to make this DIY hand mask, check out:
- Solid avocado oil (or avocado butter)
- White beeswax pellets
- Cholesterol powder
- Green tea wax
- Vitamin E oil
Anti Aging Pink Dry Mask
The coolest thing about this mask that we found interesting, is that it’s a dry mask. This means that until you’re ready to use it, it’s powder which makes storing it a little more ideal. When you’re ready to lather it on, simply apply water or Aloe Vera.
For directions on how to create and apply, check out :
- 1 tsp. Hibiscus (find it HERE)
- 1 tbsp. Rose Clay (find it HERE
- 2 tbsp. Kaolin Clay (find it HERE
- 3 tbsp. Rhassoul Clay (find it HERE)
- 1 tsp. Rose buds (find it HERE)
Clay Handmask with Essential Oils
Found on, this next mask only requires 3 ingredients.
“You only need 3 ingredients: French yellow clay, avocado oil, and calendula oil. You can also add essential oils to the mask, and I’ve listed a few suggestions below. This is an oil-based clay mask, which means it’s not going to dry and crust as water-based clay masks do.”-
For complete instructions on how to make this clay mask, visit
Honey Whipped Hand Cream
What kind of blog would this be if we didn’t include a mask enriched with honey, a true ingredient for youthful looking skin. Found on this whipped mask is one you’ll want to dive your hands into.
- 4 oz of Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
- 4 oz of Unrefined Organic Shea Butter
- 3 Tablespoons of Honey (preferable local, and raw if you can get it)
- 2 Teaspoons Organic Pure Vanilla Extract (optional)
- 20 – 30 drop of your favorite essential oil (I like this Frankincense for it skin healing properties)
- Double boiler or glass bowl and pot
- Hand Mixer
- Glass container/s for storage
For complete instructions on how to make this hand mask click here.
Whether your hands have been traumatized from the excessive sanitizer use or aging like fine wine, as all of ours are bound to do, any of the above mask suggestions can reintroduce hydration and that little bit of youthful glow you’ve been missing.